4. Analyze the results

Once you’ve run OpenFTS you’ll probably want to do something with your results. Here we’ll assume that you’ve used run the same input file as described in OpenFTS as a python module. If you’d like to change the names of the output files, see Output.

4.1. Instantaneous species densities

One of the primary outputs of a OpenFTS simulation is the density field generated by each species in the simulation. By default, this information is written to a file named density.dat. This file is known as a field file. The preferred way to interact and manipulate these types of files is with a python module called fieldkit. fieldkit provides a wide range of functionality for reading, writing, analyzing and vizualizing field files. For using these features see the fieldkit documentation (TODO: add link!).

In short, convert to a VTK and then visualize with paraview:

<path>/OpenFTS/extern/fieldkit/tools/fk_convert_to_vtk.py density.dat
paraview density.vtk

This file is written (and overwritten) at every output step during a run. If you would like to save the densities at each output step separately, you can set save_history=True as specified in Output.


If you would like the density of each molecule instead of the density of each species you can use the DensityMolecule operator. (TODO: link to this documentation)

4.2. Instantaneous field configurations

The degree of freedom in OpenFTS simulations are the auxilary fields \(w_\pm(\pmb{r})\).These are written to fields.dat. This is also a field file which can be read/manipulated using fieldkit. The ordering depends on the model being simulated.

This file is written (and overwritten) by every output step. If you would like to save the fields at each output step separately, you can set save_history=True as specified in Output.

4.3. Scalar operator files

Any scalar operators that are specified in the input file are written to operators.dat. The format of this file is as follows (if the Hamiltonian and CellStress operators have been enabled):

# step stress[0] h[0][0] H.real H.imag
1 -0.04695940 4.26311000 0.14389384 0.00000000
100 -0.01445410 4.18341314 50.34940822 0.00000000
200 -0.00511614 4.18975459 54.07533994 0.00000000

Each row of the file corresponds to a different timestep and each column corresponds to a separate operator. In this example stress[0] and h[0][0] give the stress and the cell tensor, while H.real and H.imag give the real and imaginary components of the Hamiltonian.

There are numerous ways that operators.dat can be analyzed and plotted by other programs. If you are going to use Python for your analysis, operators.dat can be easily read usingthe openfts Python module.

import openfts
fts = fts = openfts.OpenFTS()
... initialize and run fts object ...

# now load operators
ops = openfts.get_scalar_operators(fts,mode='timeseries') # fts object given as argument
ops = openfts.get_scalar_operators('operators.dat',mode='timeseries') # filename as argument
... analyze/plot the returned ops dictionary ...

Additional usage of the openfts.get_scalar_operators function is documented in Python Module API.

4.4. Field operator files

Certain operators like DensityMolecule or DensitySpecies return their values as a field file. These operators write their results to files named opFIELDNAME.dat where FIELDNAME is replaced by the specific name of that operator (e.g. a opDensityMolecule.dat file is written if the DensityMolecule operator is enabled. These files can be read using fieldkit (TODO: add link!).

These files are written (and overwritten) every output step. To save these operators at every output step, set save_history=True.

4.5. Field errors

Another useful output from a simulation if you are running SCFT is how close the current fields have converged to a saddle point. This is quantified by field errors for spefified model (e.g. \(|\frac{\delta H}{\delta \mu_+}|_{L1}\), \(|\frac{\delta H}{\delta \mu_-}|_{L1}\)). These errors are written to errors.dat.

4.6. Run Status

One additional file that is output (which cannot be currently customized) is STATUS, the status of the current driver->run() command. Possible values are:

  • 0 - the simulation is still running

  • 1 - the forces in the simulation look fishy, may have diverged

  • 2 - the SCFT converged correctly to the specified tolerance

  • 3 - the run command reached the maximum number of specified steps