Molecule Bead


  • nmolecule (int) - Number of molecules in simulation

  • moleculeX (json object) - Information about moleculeX where X ranges from 0 to nmolecule-1. In each moleculeX object the following must be specified:

    • type (string) - Type of molecule. Here PolymerBead

    • label (string) - label for this molecule, defaults to molX

    • bead_species (string) - Species type of bead

    • volume_frac (float) - Volume fraction of moleculeX in the simulation. Must be 0-1.

    • ncopies (float) - number of copies of moleculeX in the simulation. Note that either volume_frac or ncopies can be specified, not both.

Example (python):


Example (json):

"molecule0": {
  "bead_species": "A",
  "type": "Bead",
  "volume_frac": 0.5

Check out Nb#5p32-33 for notes on this molecule