Initialize Model Fields

  • initfields (json object) - Describes how to initialize fields within model. Options:

    • file (string) - Initialize fields by reading from filename

    • field_type (string) - types of fields to read from the file, species or exchange

    • <field_name> (json object) - This is the name of the field that you want to initialze. For example, this can be mu_minus or mu_plus to initialize an exchange field or mu_A or mu_B to initialize species fields. The names of the species fields are based on the label of the Species, while the names of the exchange field depend on the model being used. If this is confusing, just to take a look at the examples below. Options:

      • type (string) - Initialization type. Options:

        • gaussians - Initialize fields using Gaussins

        • random - Initialize fields randomly

Example: Initialize fields mu_minus and mu_plus using gaussians and from random, respectively.


Note that the field names must match the model used. E.g. mu_minus and mu_plus should be used for MeltChiAB, but mu_1 and mu_+ would be used for MeltMeltChiMultiSpecies with incompressibility


fts.model(type='MeltChiAB', ...)


"model": {
  "type": "MeltChiAB"
  "initfields": {
    "mu_minus": {
      "center0": [ 0,0 ],
      "center1": [ 0.5,0.5 ],
      "height": 1.0,
      "ngaussian": 2,
      "type": "gaussians",
      "width": 0.1
    "mu_plus": {
      "type": "random",
      "mean": 0.0,
      "stdev": 1.0

Example: Initialize from file


import openfts
fts = openfts.OpenFTS()


"model": {
  "type": ...
  "initfields": {
    "field_type": "exchange",